Griffith Land & Cattle Co.

Training & Testing at Home
Edited slightly on 24 Oct. 2017
Caution: These activities will awaken that "inner "beast" that makes terriers different from all other dogs. They won't become "mean" or anything scary like that.
They'll just suddenly begin to understand their "special-purpose" in life.

  Your dog will not be the same after finding & facing some unknown beast in the confines of its lair. He'll be ... different.
When he learns that holes [in the ground] & brush piles, abandoned cars, old vacant houses and barns might contain some kind of vermin he'll always want to make a closer inspection.
You might get into the spirit of the thing yourself. If so, it won't be long before you've dug into most of the settes available to you. You'll find yourself going farther afield to get your dogs some quality experience.
Each sette you dig into will be effectively wrecked for many months, maybe years.
A bit of effort during trips into the woods can create a veritable "hunting preserve" for aspiring terriermen.

It's madness! But, if you can't resist the activity...
here are some ideas for enjoying this subject.

>>>The Kwik Lair<<<   and   >>>The Kwik Sette<<<

For those who want to go the whole distance here are a couple ideas on how you can get your dog into some really high caliber experiences before you ever have to try a wild sette, (where you never know how things will turn out.)

>>>The Badger Trail<<<     >>>Twin Towers<<<

If you go to the effort to assemble one of these excellent training facilities be sure not to keep it to yourself. Any terrier men within 3 hrs drive will probably be happy to make the trip several times a year. Let the earth-dog community know you have one and you'll suddenly have many friends and associates who love this activity.
In short order you'll have something like a club forming.
Remember, no one expects it to be like "the real thing." No matter what features are included in your setup it'll just be good experience for a dog that has what it takes to go in there and get after the vermin.
No matter what kind of training and experience you can set up you must understand that there is no way to really prepare the dog for the realities of a wild sette.
You just do what you can to get him ready and hope it's enough when the time comes.
Your dog will need all the "inner beast" he has when he works his way down into the ground and comes in contact with the creature that awaits him. It's a special kind of dog that can meet this challenge. Only terrier dogs have what it takes. Some more than others.

When your dog meets the beast in it's lair and runs it out, drags it out or (more commonly) stays with it until you dig to the location you won't need anyone [else] to tell you that you have a very special dog!

Important Notes: Folks, if you let your dog enter a hole that has some animal inside you should be aware of what might be getting ready to happen.
First, understand that each time you allow your dog to go into the ground might be the last time you see him alive. (see the essay titled Beware The Groundhog! link shown below.) Many hazards exist for dogs that go into the ground.
You're the one who's supposed to doing the thinking about how you might get him back out.
Second, because of the first item, you'd better have a good shovel or know where to get one quickly.
Having no digging tools available means you DO NOT let the dog go into the ground.
Third, if you don't have a tracking collar of some kind on the dog, everyone must be QUIET as you try to determine where the action is. Barking will not be easily heard when it's down in the ground. Talking, stomping around in dry leaves or motors running will make it impossible to hear the dog, if it's audible at all. If you have no way to figure out where to dig, you're in for a lot of shovel work as you dig from the entrance to wherever the dog is.
To clear up the facts of life for the earth working dog and his owner we've prepared this essay to help the folks understand what they might experience if they give earthwork a try.
Click here >>> Beware The Groundhog! 
And there's one more thing.
Once you've dug to where he's fighting "the beast" and helped him get the thing, he'll expect you to do it every time.
He'll be more brave and determined [to get-er-done] than before because he thinks you'll be coming.
Try to be worthy of your dog's loyalty. Don't let him down!
The whole human race would get along a lot better if we all tried really hard
to be the person our dog thinks we are.


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