Griffith Land & Cattle Co.

 This is the page where we brag on our buds at the kennels of
Jermaine's Ground Hunters Kennel  
Kyel's Top Notch Patterdale Terriers.

A word of caution for the feint of heart (sissies,) real-life action drama is shown here.
If that sort of thing bothers you, go elsewhere now.

 When these guys decided to get into earth working they didn't piddle around.
They got in touch with J&J Kennels and merged into the fast lane...and stayed right there ever since.

Word of their dogs reached us and we had to get acquainted.

 Ground Hunter and Top Notch are practically neighbors and cooperate often, (to the obvious benefit of all concerned!)
These guys work their dogs in places where digging is often just not possible. The dogs usually have to get their work done on their own. Careful consideration is made before letting a dog enter a hole in Erie, Pa.

Their dogs need to be able to work their way into the labyrinths created by the city dumping their public-works debris at the edge of town for over a century. That practice created whole forests of high-quality living quarters for a thriving population of every type of vermin that lives off a city's debris. The ground in these areas is made of broken concrete, various sized pieces of pipe and all manner of road-work debris
. You have to carefully consider things before releasing and then be ready see it thru.
This style of earthwork requires dogs with a crushing bite and a fearless attitude.
Nerves of steel are helpful too.
After a visit with Ground Hunters and Top Notch we
wanted to make a page to show off their dogs. 
Permission was granted, so...

Click here to see the  >>>   Ground Hunters Kennel page
Click here to see the >>>  
Top Notch Kennel page.

They both have good stuff!
Ground Hunters Jermaine says it's okay to email him at: 
Top Notch Kyel can be emailed at:


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